News API

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API Questions

Rapid account: Ramanarule 5
2 वर्ष पहले

If we were previously paying for the Google News API, do we have to create a new subscription for this API as well now? Is our previous API subscription cancelled?

How far back in time can you get articles and how does the sorting option work? If you go back 1 year, what’s the best option to sort by to get some older articles as well?

Rapid account: Matcher Labs
MatcherLabs Commented 2 वर्ष पहले

Hello ramanarule5,

Since this API is different from the Google News API, you will need to subscribe again.

The historical search feature is currently only available for the Search Endpoint. There are two parameters that you will need to specify: from and to.
The following example will allow you to access news from the last 1 year: from=2021-10-10 and to=2022-10-10.

In order to sort by timestamp, specify sortBy=timestamp in the parameter list.


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