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Example Request is Incorrect

Rapid account: Hardyathrower
5년 전

The example request with the verb “hack” gives a response where the Simple Present Continuous form is incorrect for He/She/It. The prefix is “is” and the verb is “hacks” implying the phrase “he is hacks” which is incorrect. The verb should be “hacking” which would imply “he is hacking”.

The “You” for the hack’s Simple Present Continuous be prefix = “are” and verb = “hacking”. Would love to use the API, but need to know more about these issues before i proceed.

Rapid account: Ceneezer
ceneezer Commented 5년 전

This site is giving me problems to edit the endpoint (made under the old meshape code) thus preventing me from updating the example response, but the original error should be fixed - thanks for your help.

Rapid account: Ceneezer
ceneezer Commented 5년 전

Sorry for the long wait for reply, not sure why but apparently rapidapi is not emailing me like mashape did… will look into…

That seems to be an error in my database pull which has been rectified, thank you for pointing it out. (was a problem for all/most he/she/it - I’m just currently trying to update the “test response”, if you do a fresh search for hack the correct info now shows…

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