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*Minor* Fighter Stats Formatting Error

Rapid account: Manny Lemos
एक वर्ष पहले

Hey, nice API!

I noticed that im consistently getting what I believe to be a formatting error for the Stats property of fighters.

Below is an example:
Stats: {
Standing: ‘501 (66%)’,
Clinch: ‘123 (16%)’,
Ground: ‘136 (18%)’,
KOTKO: ‘5 (5%)’,
DEC: ‘82 (86’,
SUB: ‘8 (8’

The ‘DEC’ and ‘SUB’ both seem to be missing characters at the end of the value.


Rapid account: Chirikutsikuda
chirikutsikuda Commented एक वर्ष पहले

Hey Manny,

Thanks for reaching out and bringing the formatting error in the Stats property of fighters to our attention. We apologize for any hassle this may have caused.

I’m happy to let you know that we’ve looked into the problem and fixed it up. The missing characters in the ‘DEC’ and ‘SUB’ values have been sorted out, and everything is looking shipshape now.

Check out the updated example for the Stats property:

Stats: {
Standing: ‘501 (66%)’,
Clinch: ‘123 (16%)’,
Ground: ‘136 (18%)’,
KOTKO: ‘5 (5%)’,
DEC: ‘82 (86%)’,
SUB: ‘8 (8%)’

I genuinely appreciate your feedback as it helps improve the API. If you have a moment, I would be grateful if you could leave a rating of the API on the about tab.

Thanks again for your understanding and continued support.

Best regards,

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