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Durch Daniel Amitay | Aktualisiert 22 दिन पहले | Tools

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Stopped working.

Rapid account: Chaya G
2 वर्ष पहले

Without any change in our code, the search suddenly stopped returning results.
Has anything changed?

Rapid account: Danielamitay
danielamitay Commented 2 वर्ष पहले

@exnerfelix Apologies for the inconvenience. I was able to confirm your repro and found the issue, and pushed a fix. You should see your queries resolve correctly/successfully now

Rapid account: Exnerfelix
exnerfelix Commented 2 वर्ष पहले

Same for me, even just running a test on RapidAPI causes only null responses:

This example code caused only null responses:

var options = {
  method: 'GET',
  url: '',
  params: {store: 'google', term: 'sleep', language: 'en'},
  headers: {
    'x-rapidapi-host': '',
    'x-rapidapi-key': 'API_KEY'

It happens when I search for Google Play Store Applications.

Rapid account: Danielamitay
danielamitay Commented 2 वर्ष पहले

Hey chaya.g, could you provide an example query you’re running?

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