App Stores

Durch Daniel Amitay | Aktualisiert לפני 22 ימים | Tools

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404 for Apple App Details using ID

Rapid account: Workhorsedev
לפני שנתיים

When the app details query is hit to fetch details of an app using apple id it returns 404 for all. Though, it is working fine for the google play store.

Here is the Apple ID example - 1017492454
App Name - YouTube Music
Play Store ID for same app (working fine)

Please let us know if something else needs to be done to fetch results or do resolve this issue.

Rapid account: Ivanf 4355 4 Eh 0 Wpmbg Z
ivanf4355-4_eh0WpmbgZ Commented לפני שנתיים

It also throws a 404 error

Rapid account: Abiantorresgeneric
abiantorresgeneric Commented לפני שנתיים

Same issue here!

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