String Similarity Comparison

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Writing Exec in the string

Rapid account: David Jx DNCK 0 Jy
vor 3 Jahren

I submit a lead with a job title “Exec” and it is writing back a 400 bad request response.

It is not the & or the capitilisation, but the word Exec that is causing the issue.

Can your resolve please?

Rapid account: Dexter 123
dexter123 Commented vor 3 Jahren

RapidAPi support said that the “exec” string is blocked due to security reasons:

The ‘exec’ string is one of the phrases banned within the platform which is why any request containing it will fail, unfortunately.

Rapid account: Dexter 123
dexter123 Commented vor 3 Jahren

Hi, it looks like it is a restriction for this specific word by RapidApi. We are already investigating and in contact with their support team.
As soon we have a resolution, we will deploy it.

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