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https protocol

Rapid account: Yanco
год назад

Сool api, but I want to ask if it is possible to make streams in the https protocol?

Rapid account: Dpthapaliya 19
dpthapaliya19 Commented год назад

Please check our tutorials. Thanks

Rapid account: Woody Xx HWH Yk PC
woody-XxHWHYkPC Commented год назад

I have the same kinda of question… right now the api works great in iOS… however in Android the http do not play… is there a way to make them https?

Rapid account: Yanco
yanco Commented год назад

Thanks for such a quick reply, but you misunderstood me, I was asking about radio_url, they all work now only http protocols.

Rapid account: Dpthapaliya 19
dpthapaliya19 Commented год назад

Ya sure, this API is binding through https protocol and many of our users are enjoying it without any issue. Enjoy

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