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Please reply: item_detail_6 shows english only

Please fix this issue asap heck my other topic.

Please if you have any other way to contact you faster please share it with us,

Rapid account: Nadonlinestore 9 Km GPL 1 D 3 Nr L
nadonlinestore9-kmGPL1d3NrL Commented 3 mesi fa

Okay Huge problem now is that item_detail_6 does not show shipping info.

I’m tired, i have been trying to get you to fix the promotion price for almost 2 months, you tell me to use item_detail_6 which is not usable and has many probelms as you can see,
You dont care for yout paid users?
I’m on Ultra plan planning to upgrade to Mega plan then much bigger plans later, but my app is not useable and not sure now if resuming using you API is good idea,
You need to fix these isssues, please understand this and do this, otherwise tell us in order to find an alternative API
there is no workaround this, the promo price is wrong, im using all endpoints with retries beacuse sometimes one fails, thats why i cant use item_detail_6 only.


Rapid account: Ecommdatahub
ecommdatahub Commented 3 mesi fa


For this, you must set region value to MA and locale value to ar_MA in order to get the correct locale.

Thank you.

Rapid account: Nadonlinestore 9 Km GPL 1 D 3 Nr L
nadonlinestore9-kmGPL1d3NrL Commented 3 mesi fa

it does not show in arabic lanuage using ar_MA
please fix asap

Rapid account: Ecommdatahub
ecommdatahub Commented 3 mesi fa


Which language does not work? Please adjust the region value to match the required language.

For example, if you wish to get Russian language, set region value to RU and locale value to ru_RU.

Thank you.

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