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❗Data Error 205! What does this mean and how to avoid it?

If you’re looking into this, you most definitely have gotten response that looks like this:

    "result": {
        "status": {
            "data": "error",
            "code": 205,
            "msg": {
                "data-error": "request successfully formed, but no results were found"
            "requestId": "2023020963e54f5d0c9f3",
            "endpoint": "item_detail",
            "functionsVersion": "3.0.4"

So what does this mean?
Your request was successfully processed, and we have fulfilled it. However, we couldn’t retrieve any data because the system couldn’t find any results based on the provided parameters. The response from our servers did not contain any data, leading to the return of error code 205. The inability to collect data could be due to one of the following reasons:

  1. Simply, there were no results. Perhaps your query parameters are incorrect, such as itemId, sellerId, q etc.
  2. Item or Search results are not available in selected location. Location selection can be modified with locale parameter. Keep in mind, some results will still fail even if locale parameter is being changed due to physical location and IP address.
  3. Item is no longer available, has been deleted, marked as unavailable etc. In most cases, if we still get results, we will display item availability "available" = true or "available" = false if we got results.
  4. Your request contains too many parameters should be broadened.
  5. Other unforeseen reasons, such as IP blocking.
  6. Bug in our code not being able to process the downstream responses data.

How to avoid it and get data?

  1. Make sure your parameters are entered correctly!
  2. Be aware, not all items or search results will be available in all locations across the globe, so make sure you set region parameter correctly, and you use correct itemId parameter or others. Those may vary, depending on where you gather your data from. Make use of our item_search endpoints and to gather and utilize other endpoints such as item_detail or item_review etc.
  3. Utilize all backups! We provide multiple endpoints for the same results which use different technologies to serve you data. If your request failed on item_detail, send another request to item_detail_2 or item_detail_3. Same goes to other endpoints. Pick the one endpoints as your primary endpoint which works best for you!

Hope this helps, if you continue noticing after reading this issues, send us detailed information with your request parameters, URL on the website where you see this data, and most importantly region (country, state/province, city), language, and currency parameters you use while browsing the website.
