Receipt Parsing API

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API Documentation | Receipt Parsing API

This section provides guidelines for structuring your Receipt Parsing API requests to Ensure to follow the format below for successful data extraction:

Request Format

    "extractionDetails": {
        "name": "Extraction Name", // required - Name your extraction process
        "language": "Supported Language", // required - Choose from the supported languages
        "fields": [
                "key": "Field Key", // required - Define the key for data extraction
                "description": "Field Description", // optional - Describe the field
                "example": "Field Example" // optional - Provide an example value
    "file": "base64String or file URL" // required - Provide the document in base64String format or as a URL

Advanced Format

In addition to the basic format outlined in the previous sections, also supports more complex data structures for specialized extraction needs. This advanced format allows the definition of nested objects and arrays, catering to a broader range of data representation.

Type object

The object type represents a structured object with multiple properties. Each property is defined as an object within an array, and can include its own key, description, type, and example.

    "key": "personal_info",
    "description": "Personal information of the person", // optional
    "type": "object",
    "properties": [
            "key": "name",
            "description": "Name of the person", // optional
            "example": "Alex Smith", // optional
            "type": "string" // optional
            "key": "email",
            "description": "Email of the person",
            "example": "",
            "type": "string"

Type array

The array type is used for lists of items, such as a collection of work experiences. The items key contains an object defining the structure of each item in the array.

    "key": "work_experience",
    "description": "Work experience of the person", // optional
    "type": "array",
    "items": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": [
                "key": "title",
                "description": "Title of the job", // optional
                "example": "Software Engineer", // optional
                "type": "string" // optional
                "key": "start_date",
                "description": "Start date of the job",
                "example": "2022",
                "type": "string"

Notes on Usage

  • For both object and array types, the example parameter is applicable only for their inner properties/items.
  • When defining fields, if no type is specified, it defaults to string.
  • For object and array types, the inner fields can only be of type string. This means that each property within an object or each item within an array should be a string type, ensuring consistency and simplicity in data representation.
  • These advanced field types enable more detailed and structured data representation, enhancing the capabilities of’s data extraction process.

Supported File Types is capable of processing documents in image (JPG, PNG), PDF, and DOCX formats. This enhancement allows for a wider range of document types to be submitted for extraction.

Supported Languages currently supports document extraction in the following languages: Romanian, English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, German, Italian. Additional support for 20 more languages is planned by January.

Note: If an unsupported language is specified, the API will return an error message indicating an invalid language choice. Keep updated with our API documentation for new language additions.

About & Receipt Parsing API

Who We Are, a leader in document data extraction, brings cutting-edge technology to the realm of receipt parsing. Our mission is to streamline the extraction of valuable data from receipts, empowering businesses to automate processes, enhance efficiency, and minimize manual tasks. With a focus on innovation and precision, we cater to a wide range of industries, providing tailored solutions for extracting and analyzing receipt data.

What We Do

Our flagship product, the Receipt Parsing API, is meticulously engineered to extract essential information from receipts with unparalleled accuracy. Leveraging OCR technology and advanced algorithms, our API effortlessly parses data from various receipt formats, including scanned images, digital documents, and PDFs, delivering structured data in JSON format for seamless integration into financial systems and analysis tools.

Key Features:

  • Tailored for Receipts: Specifically designed to handle the intricacies of receipt data extraction, capturing essential details such as transaction amounts, dates, vendor information, and more.
  • Custom Extraction Solutions: Empowers users to define specific parameters for extracting relevant data fields, ensuring flexibility and precision in data retrieval.
  • Exceptional Accuracy: Harnesses state-of-the-art AI models to achieve high levels of accuracy, with error rates minimized to enhance reliability and trustworthiness.
  • Seamless Integration: Offered as a RESTful API, our solution seamlessly integrates with existing financial systems, accounting software, and workflow platforms, facilitating effortless data exchange and automation.
  • Commitment to Privacy: Upholds rigorous data privacy standards to safeguard sensitive information, ensuring the confidentiality and security of all extracted data.

Our Mission

At, our mission is to revolutionize receipt data extraction, simplifying and accelerating the process for businesses worldwide. We’re committed to pushing the boundaries of technology to deliver innovative solutions that drive operational efficiency and enable informed decision-making.

Our Vision

We envision as the premier choice for receipt parsing and data extraction, empowering organizations to unlock the full potential of their financial data. By providing cutting-edge technology and intuitive solutions, we aim to redefine the landscape of receipt processing, setting new standards for accuracy, efficiency, and usability.

Connect With Us

Explore our Receipt Parsing API and discover how can transform your receipt processing workflows. Connect with us today at

Thank you for choosing for your receipt parsing and data extraction needs.