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Monthly quota reached?

Rapid account: Flying L 123
לפני 8 שנים

Hello, I signed up for your basic plan yesterday. The basic plan says I should receive 1,000 API calls per day. However, I am receiving emails from Mashape stating that I have reached my monthly quote limit, and if I continue making calls this month I will incur overage fees. What does this mean? I expected to be able to make 1,000 API calls per day, not be subject to a monthly limit.

Please help.

Rapid account: Fcambus
fcambus Commented לפני 8 שנים

Thanks for sharing mail content, I agree that this is indeed confusing. But yes, it’s indeed a daily quota.


Rapid account: Flying L 123
flyingL123 Commented לפני 8 שנים

Ok, I was just confirming that the quota is DAILY. The message I received from Mashape said that my MONTHLY quota was reached and that if I make any more calls this month I will be charged overages.

This is the subject of the email: “You’ve reached your maximum monthly quota for Telize API”

And here is the content:

"Your business must be doing well! At this time you have consumed all of the allocated API calls under your BASIC subscription to the Telize API.

If you continue to make calls this month, you will incur overage fees. We strongly recommend that you upgrade to a pricing plan with a higher quota."

Rapid account: Fcambus
fcambus Commented לפני 8 שנים


From what I see in the admin dashboard, you performed 737 API calls on November 16th, and 1,044 API calls on the 17th. Your plan allow for 1,000 API calls a day so you had 44 calls over quota to be charged at $0.0005 per request as specified on the pricing page.


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