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missing Information + is not accurate

Rapid account: Idan 89
לפני 8 שנים

Hey there… im not getting accurate values of latitude and longitude… also its missing values like city and timezone for example.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 226
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 2016 07:02:05 GMT
Server: Mashape/5.0.6
X-Ratelimit-Requests-Limit: 1000
X-Ratelimit-Requests-Remaining: 897

getgeoip({“longitude”:-46.6358,“latitude”:-23.5477,“area_code”:“0”,“dma_code”:“0”,“organization”:“AS14868 Telecom S.A.”,“country”:“Brazil”,“ip”:“”,“country_code3”:“BRA”,“continent_code”:“SA”,“country_code”:“BR”});

Im in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil… those longitude and latitude values are from Sao Paulo.
What is going on?

The site is showing accurate results…

IP Address Country Region City ISP Brazil Parana Curitiba Copel Telecom S.a.

Hope you can fix this.

Rapid account: Fcambus
fcambus Commented לפני 8 שנים


We use the MaxMind database, and update it monthly. I double checked and last month database didn’t have any information for your IP neither.

Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about this at the moment.


Rapid account: Idan 89
idan89 Commented לפני 8 שנים

How often do you update the database? I have had issues with another geoip provider for this reason… the database was getting rusty and old, so I was receiving a lot of wrong information.
Would appreciate if you could do something about it. This site have the correct information about that IP
Im sure there is something you can do as I am a customer. In case I face more issues like this I will have to look for another provider.

Rapid account: Fcambus
fcambus Commented לפני 8 שנים


Unfortunately, there is no city information for this IP in our database, so you are getting fallback coordinates
to still be able to point Brazil to a map if required. Regarding time zones, they are not provided in this case because the city was not detected, and the IANA time zone database contains 16 zones for Brazil, so it is not possible to know which one would be the correct one.

Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about this at the moment.


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