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Get Token / QR code Period and Trial version funcionality

Rapid account: Guiaumarcelino

Hello API Factory Team.

I’m not too confortable to say that, but i miss some documentations.

Recently i’m getting ‘Either your trial period has expired or your instance is being rebooted’ error, and I can’t thoubleshoot that, Would be nice if we had more informations about how Token and Trial version works (and also to check Instance status).

How does ‘Get Token / QR code’ actually works? The token requested by a free user seens to expire, its is correct?

If I request a new token with a premium subscribed user, will it be permanent?
If that so, Can I request a premium token with a previous used email?

Is possible

Rapid account: Guiaumarcelino
guiaumarcelino Commented 3달 전

It worked.
Thank you once again

Rapid account: Finestoreuk
finestoreuk Commented 3달 전

Hi Guilherme,

I’ve dropped you a PM.

Kind regards

Mike API Factory

Rapid account: Finestoreuk
finestoreuk Commented 3달 전

Hi there Guilherme,

The actual reason behind this is because of the limitations of the BASIC/trial account.

However the trial accounts usually lasts for 3 days. During this period, you should be able to use it normally - the only limitation is that you can’t make too many calls in a short period and also you won’t be able to send messages to groups.

I will take a look at what else could have happened and let you know.

I can see you have subscribed to the paid plan - you’ll receive an email in a couple of minutes with the new link you should use to scan the QR code in.

Kind regards

API Factory

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