Flightera Flight Data

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Possible values from response?

Rapid account: Nshiff
hace 2 años

Is there any documentation on the possible values each attribute of the api response could have?

Rapid account: Nshiff
nshiff Commented hace 2 años

Thank you so much for your quick response. Excited to work with Flightera in the future

Rapid account: Flightera
flightera Commented hace 2 años

Hi nshiff,

The status attribute can be one of: live,scheduled,cancelled,landed,unknown.
We’re working on a more comprehensive documentation for our api endpoints and returned values. In the meantime, feel free to ask here for more details or contact us at info@flightera.net.

Kind regards,

Rapid account: Nshiff
nshiff Commented hace 2 años

For example the status attribute form the flight info endpoint.

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