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Rapid account: Zakouh 091
לפני 9 חודשים

can I get the game score with the api xbox?

Rapid account: Fraziersexton 7236166
fraziersexton7236166 Commented לפני 6 חודשים

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to get house of hazards game points directly using the Xbox API. While the Xbox API provides a variety of functions, retrieving live game scores is not one of them.

Rapid account: Fluis Lacasse
fluis.lacasse Commented לפני 8 חודשים

Sorry for the late answer. This is applicable to all categories(LoL and Dota2): You can use the search endpoint: /api/esport/search/{term}.
Where term can be player name, tournament or team. There are no region filter when using this endpoint.


Rapid account: Nqlida
nqlida Commented לפני 8 חודשים

Is it possible to bypass the “region” parameter? For example, if a player is using the EUNE region, can you search for players in all regions if i dont know the region which player using?

Note: This is regarding LoL

About Dota2
Can I searching player by name not ID?

Rapid account: Fluis Lacasse
fluis.lacasse Commented לפני 9 חודשים

I don’t get how your app would work, can you explain me in details so I can check if this is possible?


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