Golf Course API

Durch ryzegolf | Aktualisiert 2 месяца назад | Sports

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Womens Tees?

Rapid account: Noisepencil
7 месяцев назад

Any plan to add scorecard data for ladies tees? We’re using you’re api for app development but missing tees will likely be a deal killer. Also noticed in a random sample that not all men’s tees are included either. Thanks!

Rapid account: Foshesco 65 Z Cww 9 C 1 Y 0
foshesco-65zCww9c1y0 Commented 7 месяцев назад

Women’s tees are not specific to any color or length. Historically, the ‘red tees’ or forward tees were, and often still are, thought of to be women’s tees.

As for some tees missing, I am planning on adding more tees and data in the future.

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