
Durch gybra | Aktualisiert hace 2 meses | Tools
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Auto Detect

Rapid account: Mrdevman
hace 8 años

Hi, Does this API have auto language detect ?

Rapid account: Gybra
gybra Commented hace 8 años

Can you please send me an email at this address? so I will let you know there when the environment is ready

Rapid account: Gybra
gybra Commented hace 8 años

Ok no problem i will setup a test environment only for you available for 24h. I will ping you when it’ll be ready ok?

Rapid account: Mrdevman
mrdevman Commented hace 8 años

Can I test the quality of translation before I purchase, I’m intrested in this API but I would really like to test the quality of translation before I purchase ?

Rapid account: Gybra
gybra Commented hace 8 años

Hi, unfortunately not right now, maybe in the future could be implemented

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