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Match statistics explained

Rapid account: Brunom
5 years ago

Hello there,

could you give a little bit more information regarding what some match statistics actually mean? For instance, is dribblesLost the amount of time a player tried to drible but lost the ball? What is the difference between dribbledPast and dribblesWon?

Rapid account: Brunom
brunom Commented 5 years ago

Nice. thanks

Rapid account: Heisenbug
heisenbug Commented 5 years ago

-dribblesWon is a successful dribble means the number of times a player beats the defender retaining the ball possession
-dribblesLost is instead an unsuccessful dribble, the number of times the player losts the ball possession in the attempt to past the defender
-dribbledPast is when the player is dribbled, that is the number of times the player is dribbled past by an opponent without winning the ball
Have a nice day.

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