Russian League Live Scores

Durch Simone | Aktualisiert a day ago | Sports

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playerdetails request results Bug

Rapid account: Orsoferito
6 years ago

The result returned by playerdetails request of ‘Russian League Live Scores’ API has an error in format:
Closing quote is missing.
It makes difficulties with further parsing (e.g. to json)

Rapid account: Heisenbug
heisenbug Commented 6 years ago

No problem,
I’ve forwarded your request to the RapidAPI support team

Rapid account: Orsoferito
orsoferito Commented 6 years ago


Sorry, it was a mistake from my side. I was in a hurry to complete my educational study and did not notice this limitation (200 queries/day).

Could you please change my plan to ‘Mega’ for this month? So that I could afford the payment… I have just stopped the query.

Thank you for warning me!

Rapid account: Heisenbug
heisenbug Commented 6 years ago

Just to warn you are submitting a lot of queries for your current plan that could lead to a lot of extra price at the end of the month.
Maybe consider switching to the upper plan that can better support your current APIs usage.
Let me know for any doubt.

Rapid account: Orsoferito
orsoferito Commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot. It works fine now 😃

Rapid account: Heisenbug
heisenbug Commented 6 years ago

thanks for let us know about this problem, our developers should have already fixed it,
let us know for any other problem or request.


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