HeyWatch Video Encoding

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Uploading video question

Rapid account: Ismaelc
vor 10 Jahren

Hi, how do I upload a video through the Mashape test console? Also can you specify in the Basic Auth description where we can get our username/password? Thanks!

Rapid account: Ismaelc
ismaelc Commented vor 10 Jahren


Rapid account: Heywatch
heywatch Commented vor 10 Jahren


We have just completed the API doc on Mashape.
You need to create an account first on HeyWatch http://www.heywatchencoding.com

The method TransferVideo is what you’re looking for.

Rapid account: Heywatch
heywatch Commented vor 10 Jahren

I have updated the description, but FYI all was written in the README.

Rapid account: Mashaper
mashaper Commented vor 10 Jahren

No one is going to consume the API is they don’t know how and where to go to authenticate.

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