Sport Highlights API

Durch Highlightly API | Aktualisiert 3 days ago | Sports

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is the any proper documentation ?

Rapid account: Peterramos 7860
a month ago

I was looking into it but there are so many loops which is unclear to pass data dynamically.
from the country code get the national team ID 
from team initials get the team ID
but how to get the match id, highlights id, away id, and home id without any fixture or match id passing which endpoint provide this?
Kindly let me know if is there any reference or docs related to it.


Rapid account: Highlightlyappmain
highlightlyappmain Commented a month ago

You can find our docs at: (assuming you are referencing our Sports Highlights API, in case you are looking for an api for specific sport, you can check out documentation section at:

To answer your question:

  • you can use “/{sport}/matches” endpoint to fetch available matches. However, please note that your request must include at least one of the available query params it can either be: date, leagueName, leagueId, homeTeamName, etc
  • when retrieving a list of highlights, you can use “/{sport}/highlights” route + at least one additional query parameter (countryCode, countryName, leagueName, date, etc.)
  • if you are looking for a list of available teams you can use the “/{sport}/teams” endpoint without any additional query param

Every response will then contain paginated array of objects with corresponding ids and names, that you can use to further query additional resources (for example you can first query a list of matches so that you can then query highlights bound to a specific match).

Hopefully, this answers your questions. If you have any more, don’t hesitate to ask.

kind regards

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