
Durch Telegram API Provider | Aktualisiert vor 7 Tagen | Social

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error:"Requested content not found"

Rapid account: Nullpubg 1
vor 4 Monaten

Error appears even if the group\chat is public and do exists. How to fix? Ex: kalinethunterofficialsupport

Rapid account: I Yq Er Ddkq 0 T
i-YqErDdkq0t Commented vor 8 Tagen

Dear Users,

We are pleased to inform you that the API is now stable. Should you encounter any issues, please provide the name of the method, the parameters used, and the response received. Additionally, before reporting any issues, kindly verify through Telegram clients that the desired object indeed exists.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Rapid account: Nullpubg 1
nullpubg1 Commented vor 4 Monaten

Ok now it is not working: A0tti, A1_2T and other channels

Rapid account: Nullpubg 1
nullpubg1 Commented vor 4 Monaten

Well now thats works thanks. But was not available about 4 hours of testing yesterday. But now some junk data appearing at the end. It is not bothering but still better to remove. Thanks!

Rapid account: I Yq Er Ddkq 0 T
i-YqErDdkq0t Commented vor 4 Monaten

Hello. What method are you using?

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