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504 response

Rapid account: Ipedro
hace 8 años

Hi, been getting a 504 response for a while now. Testing from inside the Mashape Console provided same results.

Rapid account: Ideasynthesis
ideasynthesis Commented hace 8 años

The service should now be broadly available: please let us know if you continue to have difficulties.

Take care, and thank you.

Rapid account: Ideasynthesis
ideasynthesis Commented hace 8 años

hi there. Our apologies about this: the service is hosted on a small cluster of servers in the Linode Atlanta region which is currently in day 4 of a DDoS attack that has resulted in service outages. We are in communications with them right now and hoping service will be reliably restored within the next 24 hours. Barring that we will migrate to an alternative provider to ensure we restore service.
Take care, and thank you.

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