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Server error 500

Rapid account: Sanpietro
7 years ago

Hello. I am frequently getting the following error when sending text. Not really sure what the message means. Thanks!

<title>Error 500 Server Error</title>
<body><h2>HTTP ERROR 500</h2>
<p>Problem accessing /zh/sentiment. Reason:
<pre> Server Error</pre></p><h3>Caused by:</h3><pre>org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Request processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Negative score is outside of expected range: -1.0

Rapid account: Dmitrykey
dmitrykey Commented 6 years ago

Hi sanpietro,

Yes, it is in the roadmap. What do you think of the sentiment api – is it useful in your application?

Rapid account: Sanpietro
sanpietro Commented 6 years ago


Will you be building out the remaining enrichments based on the Chinese langage
api? Services such as entity extraction or key phrase extraction would be very important for developers in market who would like to see which entity frequencies etc are driving interest. Thank you.

Rapid account: Dmitrykey
dmitrykey Commented 7 years ago

Hi sanpietro,

The issue is now fixed. I tested with some texts you have sent earlier that produced this issue. Pls don’t trust sentiment strengths you have received before, because they will not necessarily match those you get now. Labels however should match.

Pls test on your end and let me know, thanks.

Rapid account: Dmitrykey
dmitrykey Commented 7 years ago


thanks for reporting. I will take a look and update here.

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