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My response only showing the upcoming game in the current category, and nothing in the upcoming category

Rapid account: Srbailey 07
il y a 2 ans

Hi there, not sure what conventions there may be here, or if anyone will even see this. But I put together a little script to grab the current EPIC title with a mind to integrating it into a Discord bot. I’m going to use this week’s titles as my example. Today (June 10th, 2022), the current free title on Epic is Maneater, and the upcoming free title is Supraland. Unfortunately, what the API seems to be reporting back is that the current free title is Supraland, and there is no upcoming title. I’ll attach my response.

“freeGames”: {
“current”: [
“title”: “Supraland”,
“id”: “1167f711027c484cafb64899f89527ba”,
“namespace”: “ae373893881044d2bf26d6f8363a120e”,
“description”: “A mix between Portal, Zelda and Metroid. Explore, solve puzzles, beat up monsters, find secret upgrades and new abilities that help you reach new places. Playtime 12-25h.”,
“effectiveDate”: “2021-07-02T15:00:00.000Z”,
“offerType”: “BASE_GAME”,
“expiryDate”: null,
“status”: “ACTIVE”,
“isCodeRedemptionOnly”: false,
“keyImages”: [
“type”: “DieselStoreFrontTall”,
“url”: “
“type”: “DieselStoreFrontWide”,
“url”: “
“type”: “OfferImageTall”,
“url”: “
“type”: “OfferImageWide”,
“url”: “
“type”: “Thumbnail”,
“url”: “
“type”: “CodeRedemption_340x440”,
“url”: “
“seller”: {
“id”: “o-gfmarfnj9jh4jucwvuubpjv4nwb66x”,
“name”: “Supra Games”
“productSlug”: “supraland”,
“urlSlug”: “curiumgeneralaudience”,
“url”: null,
“items”: [
“id”: “35d8efc04f62416b8feb80294f79ee9e”,
“namespace”: “ae373893881044d2bf26d6f8363a120e”
“customAttributes”: [
“key”: “”,
“value”: “[]”
“key”: “publisherName”,
“value”: “Supra Games”
“key”: “developerName”,
“value”: “Supra Games”
“key”: “”,
“value”: “supraland”
“categories”: [
“path”: “freegames”
“path”: “games/edition/base”
“path”: “games/edition”
“path”: “games”
“path”: “applications”
“tags”: [
“id”: “1298”
“id”: “1381”
“id”: “19847”
“id”: “1370”
“id”: “9547”
“id”: “1247”
“catalogNs”: {
“mappings”: [
“pageSlug”: “supraland”,
“pageType”: “productHome”
“offerMappings”: [],
“price”: {
“totalPrice”: {
“discountPrice”: 1999,
“originalPrice”: 1999,
“voucherDiscount”: 0,
“discount”: 0,
“currencyCode”: “USD”,
“currencyInfo”: {
“decimals”: 2
“fmtPrice”: {
“originalPrice”: “$19.99”,
“discountPrice”: “$19.99”,
“intermediatePrice”: “$19.99”
“lineOffers”: [
“appliedRules”: []
“promotions”: {
“promotionalOffers”: [],
“upcomingPromotionalOffers”: [
“promotionalOffers”: [
“startDate”: “2022-06-16T15:00:00.000Z”,
“endDate”: “2022-06-23T15:00:00.000Z”,
“discountSetting”: {
“discountType”: “PERCENTAGE”,
“discountPercentage”: 0
“upcoming”: []

Rapid account: Thekevinconnor L Psi MJ Nfyt 0
thekevinconnor-lPsiMJNfyt0 Commented il y a 2 ans

Hey srbailey07, the issue has been fixed! Thanks for raising this issue up to improve on the API!

Rapid account: Thekevinconnor L Psi MJ Nfyt 0
thekevinconnor-lPsiMJNfyt0 Commented il y a 2 ans

Hi srbailey07, thanks for bringing this up to my attention! Please give me some time to take a look at this issue, and to get this fixed.

Rapid account: Srbailey 07
srbailey07 Commented il y a 2 ans

Ah, all my JSON formatting seems to have been eaten…that’s unfortunate. Well at any rate, it should be simple enough to see that the only title is Supraland, with no reference to Maneater.

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