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Variant Mapping and number of offers

Rapid account: Teamwisebuy
6 महीने पहले

Hi guys - you are really doing a great job with this API - I really enjoy using it.

I have another two questions:

  • As I saw, Google provides with the product details sometimes a list of product variations (such as, eg. size at this product: Do you already scrape this information somewhere or would it be possible to have that mapping in your api response? Something along the line “size 20” => “product_id”, “size 21” => “product_id”?
  • During product search you extract one offer, which is good, but could you also add the number of available offer for the specific product? Google seems to show some hints of the number of offers for the searched products. This would help to make a more guided choice if a call to the offers endpoint would make sense.

Thanks again for all your effort!

Rapid account: Teamwisebuy
teamwisebuy Commented 6 महीने पहले

This is really helpful - thank you for your responsiveness and help!

Rapid account: Letscrape 6 B R Ba 3 Qgu O 5
letscrape-6bRBa3QguO5 Commented 6 महीने पहले
  1. Added product_variant_properties (the selected variant properties values - size=20 in your example) and product_variants to the product returned by the Product Details endpoint.

“status”: “OK”,
“request_id”: “0c4fa5c6-daae-4e28-9e81-2d263223ebdb”,
“data”: {
“product”: {
“product_id”: “833663724162346239”,

“product_variant_properties”: {
“Size”: “20”
“product_variants”: {
“Size”: {
“20”: “833663724162346239”,
“21”: “444894344070969780”,
“22”: “7480264860565582266”,
“24”: “11018171818266407635”,
“25”: “3722591313793302185”,
“26”: “13833837481841221331”,
“19½”: “17881674291863726824”,
“21½”: “7108677639289475236”,
“22½”: “5154889054884062725”,
“23½”: “9168481804642703537”,
“24½”: “1427015567698373962”,
“25½”: “13831780115654070668”,
“26½”: “12991113703461925091”

I hope that this is what you are looking for, anyway, I think it’s a great addition to the API so thanks for bringing this up! Let me know if you have any questions.

Rapid account: Letscrape 6 B R Ba 3 Qgu O 5
letscrape-6bRBa3QguO5 Commented 6 महीने पहले

Hi there,

Really happy to hear the API serves you well.

Thanks for the good suggestions.

  1. Looks feasible, let me get back to you about this one.
  2. Yes, I just added a new field to each product returned by the Search and the Product Details endpoints called “product_num_offers” (string). Sometimes it is a lower limit estimation such as “10+” and some other times it is simply a number like “4” (It can also be null in case not available on Google). I hope it helps with what you need.

Thank you,

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