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Diffrents fields are provided for episodes when using search/episodes routes

Rapid account: Sebastian Ger S
5년 전

Episodes seams to contain different fields depending on if you receive them by fetching an individual episode by id or if you get the episode by using the /search route
A lot of fields that just contains pure text (without html) like description_original are not provided when fetching an individual episode, would it be possible to include those fields for the /episodes route?

Rapid account: Sebastian Ger S
SebastianGerS Commented 5년 전

ok, thanks for the reply!

Rapid account: Listennotes
listennotes Commented 5년 전

the description_orginal field of the search endpoint is exactly the same as the description field of the episode endpoint. Both of them come from the same attribute in the database table. They both return html.

The reason why we use the name “description_original” is that we have to distinguish it from “description_highlighted”.

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