Tiktok Video Feature Summary

Durch voyagel | Aktualisiert hace un mes | Social

9.9 / 10



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How to scrape all Video comment ?

Rapid account: Galwicakso
hace 5 meses

I tried the api but only can fetch 7 comments from 1000 comments.?
how to get all comments with this api ? thanks

Rapid account: Liuzhaolong 765481
liuzhaolong765481 Commented hace 5 meses

the ‘comment list by video’ endpoint has two option params, count and cursor
and the comments on the video are obtained through pagination
The ‘count’ controls the number of pages displayed, while the ‘cursor’ controls the index of the page, which is returned in the last request, and the meaning of ‘hasMore’ returned in the endpoint still exist on the next page

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