Tiktok Video Feature Summary

Durch voyagel | Aktualisiert il y a 2 mois | Social

9.9 / 10



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Can we talk about refund?

Rapid account: Remi Lj UER 4 Wv 65
il y a 4 mois

Hi, I’ve subscribed with my personnal account but I wanted to subscribe for my company (it is all about billing). I have canceled my subscription immediately and paid again with my company account. Can we talk about an eventual refund please?

Rapid account: Liuzhaolong 765481
liuzhaolong765481 Commented il y a 3 mois

hi, that’s OK. You can apply for a refund on your bill or contact the rapidapi official. I received the official email and clicked to agree, and the relevant fees will be refunded to you.

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