Maytapi WhatsApp

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Send message to groups

Rapid account: Wassimmakhlouf
vor 4 Monaten

Looking to send whatsapp messages ( Notifications ) to groups, is this feature available?

Rapid account: Maytapi
maytapi Commented vor 4 Monaten


You could get it via getGroups endpoint. You could send message via sendMessage endpoint.

Our API documentation provides a comprehensive overview of our services, including detailed instructions on how to use the API, endpoints, parameters, and responses.

You can find everything you need to know to integrate our services into your application successfully.

Additionally, our Postman collection provides a convenient way to test and explore our API endpoints. You can easily import our collection into your Postman application and start making requests to our API.

We strive to make our API as user-friendly as possible, and we welcome any feedback or suggestions you may have.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance getting started.

Best regards,

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