Muscle Group Image Generator

Durch -Merten- | Aktualisiert 3 mesi fa | Health and Fitness

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Endpoint for more direct control of colour for each muscle

Rapid account: Owencjohnston
un anno fa

Hi Merten,

I love the API. I would like to build a heatmap visualisation where I can set the colour for each muscle group depending on how much the muscles were worked in an entire workout. It would be great to have an endpoint where you can set a colour for each individual muscle 😃

Rapid account: Owencjohnston
owencjohnston Commented un anno fa

Wow! Fantastic! Thanks for adding it so quickly 😃

Rapid account: Mertronlp
mertronlp Commented un anno fa

I’m glad you like the API 😃 That is an awesome idea I didn’t think of before, good luck with your project! I added a new endpoint (Get Individual Color Image) that should suit your needs. Please let me know if you have any more requests that can make this API better.

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