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GET Hourly Point Data Forecasting

Rapid account: Me N Fo H Pg 0 Z
a year ago

Hi. When using the GET Hourly Point Data Endpoint how far into the future will data be returned using forecasted data rather than actual?

For example when you input the following parameters:
params: {
lat: ‘-33.760155’,
lon: ‘151.273285’,
start: ‘2023-04-13’,
end: ‘2023-05-12’,
tz: ‘UTC’
you get predictions on weather going up to 10 days into the future. Whereas if you use a different location:
params: {
lat: ‘43.6667’,
lon: ‘-79.4’,
start: ‘2023-04-13’,
end: ‘2023-05-12’,
tz: ‘UTC’
you only get predictions on weather up to 2 days into the future.

Is there any documentation detailing for a given station/region how many days into the future there will be weather predcitions available? Thanks

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