LinkedIn data scraper

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Search Jobs With Filters

Using our get endpoint /search_jobs you can get a list of jobs using linkedin in builtin filters. Here is how to can pass parameters:

Required :

  1. query : Your search query.
  2. location : Locations where you are looking for jobs. You can see locations search bar on linkedin when you search jobs using their web portal.
  3. count : Number of jobs to need in response. It should be a number e.g 10,100. It cannot exceed 100.

Optional : ( You can see all there filter by visiting linkedin jobs search page )

  1. easyApply : easyApply is a feature in linkedin to apply for jobs easily using your linkedin profile. It could be “true” or “false”
  2. experience : experience refers to the experience level required for a specific job. It could be one or more of (1,2,3,4,5,6). 1 = Internship, 2 = Entry level, 3 = Associate, 4 = Mid senior level, 5=Director, 6=Executive. For eaxmple experience=2,5 means experience=Entry level,Director
  3. jobType : Linkedin Job Type filter. It could one or more of F,P,C,T,V,I,O. F=Full time, P=Part time, C=Contract, T=Temporary, V=Volunteer, I=Internship, O=Other.
  4. postedAgo : Time jobs was posted ago. It should be in seconds. e.g postedAgo=3600 means all jobs from past 1 hour and so on.
  5. workplaceType : It could be one more of 1,2,3. 1=On-Site, 2=Remote, 3=Hybrid

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