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Durch Movie of the Night | Aktualisiert לפני 3 ימים | Movies

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I got streaming link of movie but I can't stream it

Rapid account: Goldstardev 2002
לפני שנתיים

I got streaming link of movie using API.

I have tried like this but it’s not working

How do I play a movie in my react project?
If anyone knows please let me know
Thank you

Rapid account: Cevatbarisyilmaz
cevatbarisyilmaz Commented לפני שנתיים

Links provided here point to the HTML pages of the titles, you cannot use them as video player sources. Plus you need to login to the service to be able to stream in the first place. Perhaps what you might try is to use a webview instead, but I’m not sure if that’d work either.

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