Adult Movie Provider

Durch NastyAPI | Aktualisiert 2 месяца назад | Entertainment

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correct the mistake

Rapid account: Rapida 959595
3 года назад

Thumb does not work. correct the mistake

Rapid account: Romeoli
romeoli Commented 3 года назад

It is great. i will explore the possibility of adding redtube data into the db.

Rapid account: Rapida 9595
rapida9595 Commented 3 года назад

i have already used and it works great

Rapid account: Romeoli
romeoli Commented 3 года назад

Happy new year !

I have tried to fetch it in my sample app and it works.
I wonder if there might some code problem .
I assumed that you are using Java . so I followed these links to try to get the value from the API and it works .

Besides, Here is the Java Object i used

public class Root{
public String embed_url;
public String title;
public String duration;
public String dateadded;
public List<String> thumbs;
public List<String> channels;
public List<String> pornstars;
public String orientation;

hope it can help you .

Rapid account: Rapida 9595
rapida9595 Commented 3 года назад

watch the screen recording. thumbnail not visible

Rapid account: Romeoli
romeoli Commented 3 года назад

would you show me the code ??
and you are also welcome to pm me for details.

Rapid account: Rapida 9595
rapida9595 Commented 3 года назад

does not work! api answer (200OK
[0 items

Rapid account: Romeoli
romeoli Commented 3 года назад

Sorry. it was my fault. just updated it . Cheer 😉

Rapid account: Rapida 9595
rapida9595 Commented 3 года назад

api doesn’t work ( 403 Forbidden )

Rapid account: Romeoli
romeoli Commented 3 года назад

Thank you . updated, please try again. 😃

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