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Image URL's are not valid

Rapid account: Turquoise Mage
hace 8 años

None of the image URL’s are valid.

Rapid account: Omgvamp
omgvamp Commented hace 8 años

Hey ITGroup I just tried a couple of different cards and they seem to be working for me. Can you provide some URLs of images that aren’t working?

Rapid account: IT Group
ITGroup Commented hace 8 años


None of the new cards seems to be working, the image url points to a black shape of a card, you can only see the real card if you put the parameter “?123” at the end of the url, the number in the parameter seems to be not important, you can put whatever you want, can you help please?

Rapid account: Omgvamp
omgvamp Commented hace 8 años

Can you please provide URL’s that are not valid. I just looked at a handful of cards and all the images seem to be working.

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