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It has been three weeks since the API last worked

Rapid account: Info O Vk Fv M 6 F 2
il y a 2 ans

Why is the owner not responding to requests from paying customers? Why is the API constantly down with no explanation?

It works if you try it from RapidAPI interface, but if you get your own key and try to make requests you get constant 500 errors.

When are we going to have the API working again??

Also, why was the Discord server disabled?

Rapid account: Wkenney
wkenney Commented il y a 2 ans

Looks like it still isn’t working?

Rapid account: Talbertherndon ATZ Tj F Np Gu
talbertherndon-ATZTjFNpGu Commented il y a 2 ans

has this been fixed ?

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