Twitter API

Durch restocked | Aktualisiert 3 days ago | Social

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Increase Max Results for GET / Following

Rapid account: Footballnotifs
8 months ago


I am dealing with users that follow more than 100 people, so unfortunately the max results for this endpoint is too low for me (I also don’t want to make another request to get the next page). Is it possible for you to provide an endpoint where only the IDs of the people that a user is following is returned? I believe that by the Twitter API v2, it is returned in groups of 1000 or 5000, so I was wondering if you could do the same thing.

Rapid account: Restocked G A Gxip 8 A
restocked-gAGxip8a_ Commented 8 months ago

Hi, unfortunately that’s not possible.
If you want to retrieve all the user followings you will have to use the next page cursor.

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