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Behaviour of retries

Rapid account: Silentsilencee
hace un año

The documentation is not clear but by setting the parameter retrynums are the retries happening from the same IP or do they get rotated out for another one where the request happens?

Rapid account: Silentsilencee
silentsilencee Commented hace un año

hey restyler - we get 36352 asn has been banned from accessing the website after 4000 calls over the course of 12 hours? Do you not rotate out the ip with a new geographic region? what so we do?

Rapid account: Restyler
restyler Commented hace un año

Each retry is performed from a new ip address. If you do not specify geo the default geo would be chosen (“us”) but each retry will still be executed from a new ip address.

I hope it helped, good luck!

Rapid account: Silentsilencee
silentsilencee Commented hace un año

Another question is by not specifying the geo does it automatically select ones which have had no requests sent to it or does it keep reusing the same server or does it have a default value?

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