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API Usage Rate

Rapid account: Ubergiekmash

Hello, I am having difficulty determining the cost for using this API. I expect to perform about 5000 queries a month, occasionally. Thanks

Rapid account: Robtex
robtex Commented 7年前

No problem. It is a bit complicated API. It would be easier to document if you had to make one API call per answer, like “fetch #1 on this IP”, “fetch #2 on this IP” and so on, but that would end up in a lot of calls if you want 100 answers about the same IP number, so we made it possible to get multiple answers in one go.

Rapid account: Ubergiekmash
ubergiekmash Commented 7年前

Perfect, thats for the prompt response all!

Rapid account: Robtex
robtex Commented 7年前

For the reverse endpoint i presume?
It depends on what queries you make, and for what. For instance the number of hosts on an IP number of a webserver can be only one, or it can be thousands.
Set the max parameter to 1 and you will only use 5000 credits in that month since you will only get max one answer per query.

Rapid account: Rapid Alex
RapidAlex Commented 7年前

Hey ubergiekmash,

It looks like Robtex API has a pay as you go plan. So as long as you’re under 10,000 API calls within a month, you don’t have to pay anything. If you make over 10,000 API calls within a single month you’ll be charged 0.01 for each API call over 10,000. (i.e. 10,100 would mean you’re charged $1. If you make 100 overages * $0.01 = $1.00)

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