Lingua Robot

Durch Roman Kishchenko | Aktualisiert 8 days ago | Text Analysis

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Lingua Robot API


Lingua Robot API is a RESTful service providing an access to the data of over 800 000 English lexical entries, such as words, phrasal verbs, multiword expressions etc. The data is returned in JSON format, while the error responses will be of the content type application/problem+json, which is a simple JSON with predefined structure according to RFC7807.


The authentication is provided by RapidAPI. To make any requests to the API you need to have a RapidAPI account and you need to be subscribed to the Lingua Robot API. After you have subscribed, RapidAPI will provide you an API key that has to be included in every request as a value for X-RapidAPI-Key header:

curl --header 'X-Rapidapi-key: YOUR_API_KEY'


The data provided by Lingua Robot API is compiled from Wiktionary. Wiktionary content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA). The license allows to use and alter the content for any puprpose, including commercial use, as long as:

  1. The authors of the source content are attributed. If you use the meanings or usage examples of the entries provided by Lingua Robot API, you have to attribute the authors by hyperlinking (where possible) or URL to the source Wiktionary article (each article has a history page that lists all its authors and editors). Each entry has sourceUrls property with the urls to the the articles the content was extracted from. Please note that the audio files may be copyrighted under the different license. If the audio file is copyrighted and attribution is required, the license is returned along with the audio file URL.

  2. The content you republish is licensed under the same license (CC-BY-SA).



The main endpoint providing all the information available for the specified entry. The endpoint provides the following data:

  • Word definition i. e. its meaning, context, usage examples
  • Synonyms and antonyms
  • Audio and phonetic pronunciations
  • Grammar available from the inflectional endings, i.e. the word examples is a plural nominative noun or third-person singular verb
  • Lemmas and base words, i. e. the lemma of the word dictionaries is dictionary and the word simplification is derived from simple



Path Parameters

Parameter Type Description
entry string Required. The target entry for which the data will be returned. It might be a word, phrasal verb or multiword expression.


curl --header 'x-rapidapi-key: YOUR_API_KEY


Since some of the words share the same writted form (those words are called homographs), the endpoint always returns an array of entries. While in general it will contain only one element, in case of homographs the array will have more than one element and it will be empty if there’s no information available for the requested entry.


Root object
Field Type Description
entries array An array of Entry or an empty array if the requested entry is unknown. Generally, the size of the array is 1, though it contains more than one element if the requested entry is homograph.
Field Type Description
entry string Written form of the entry.
pronunciations array An array of Pronunciation representing pronunciation data. The property is omitted if there’s no pronunciation data available for the entry.
hyphenations array The hyphenation of a word into syllables. A word may have more than one possible hyphenation, so the value is an array of string arrays. The property is omitted if the entry is not a word or if hyphenation is not defined for the word.
interpretations array An array of Interpretation representing different interpretations of the entry. Depending on the interpretation, an entry may have different properties. For instance, the entry runs may be interpetated as a noun or as a verb. Depending on the part of speech the grammar and, sometimes, lemma are different.
lexemes array An array of Lexeme representing lexemes associated with the entry. Lexeme is a term that is very close to word meaning. It underlies a group of words that are related through inflection, i.e. the meaning of the words run, runs and running is represented by a single lexeme with lemma run.
license object A license for the entry data. Generally, the data is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Please find more about licensing and attribution in Copyrights section.
sourceUrls array An array of the urls to the source for the attribution. Please find more about licensing and attribution in Copyrights section.
Field Type Description
transcriptions array An array of Transcription with transcription data. The property is omitted if the data is not available.
audio object An Audio object that holds information related to audio pronunciation. The property may be omitted.
context object An object of type Context representing the data related to the pronunciation usage. Mainly, the context will qualify the region of the pronunciation. The property may be omitted.
Field Type Description
transcription string Phonetic transcription
notation string Phonetic notation used to represent the transcriptions. At this point the value is always IPA standing for International Phonetic Alphabet, however new notations may be added in the future.
Field Type Description
url string The url to the audio file.
sourceUrl string The url to the source page describing the file. The source url is supposed to be used for attribution in the case audio file license requires it.
license object The licese for the audio file. The property may be omitted if the file was released to public domain and isn’t copyrighted
Field Type Description
lemma string The lemma of the entry according to this interpretation.
homographNumber integer Homograph number is used to differ homograph entries that share the same written form. If the entry isn’t a homograph, the property is omitted (homograph number for such an entry is considered to be always 1).
normalizedLemmas array An array of normalized lemmas. Usually, the normalized lemma is equal to lemma, however it’s different if an entry has different fors, i.e. color is an alternative spelling of colour or bike is clipping of bicycle or motorbike.
partOfSpeech string Part of speech of the entry.
labels array An array of string labels (obsolete, dialectal etc.).
context object An object of type Context that is used to differenciate specific usages. For example, the property will be non-empty if such interpretation is used only in a specific region.
grammar array An array of Grammar objects representing the set of grammatical features this entry may express according to this interpretation.
morphemes array A synchronic morphological analysis of the entry. For instance, the word simplification is considered to be built from the morphemes simple + -ify + -ation.
Field Type Description
lemma string The lemma associated with this lexeme.
homographNumber integer The homograph number. The property is omitted if the entry is not a homograph (homograph number for such an entry is considered to be always 1).
partOfSpeech string Part of speech of the entry.
senses array An array of Sense objects representing the specific sense/meaning of the entry.
forms array An array of EntryForm objects representing the set of inflected forms taken by the entry. Please note that some of the inflected forms migth not be in use or might have specific usage context. For many verbs have an inflected form for singular second-person, which is not used anymore.
Field Type Description
definition string Sense definition.
usageExamples array An array of string representing the sentences or collocations containing the entry used in this specific meaning.
subSences array An array of Sense objects representic more specific meanings.
labels array An array of string labels.
synonyms array An array of synonyms.
antonyms array An array of antonyms.
Field Type Description
form string The inflected form.
grammar array An array of Grammar objects representing the set of grammatical features the inflected form expresses.
labels array An array of string labels. This will be present if the inflected form is not currently is use (obsolete), or pertaining to some dialects (dialectal) etc.
Field Type Description
domains array An array of string domains.
regions array An array of string regions.
Field Type Description
name string The license name.
url string License URL.
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Roman Kishchenko
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