Fear and greed index

Durch Clark J | Aktualisiert vor 24 Tagen | Finance

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Seems to be down

Rapid account: Christophgeisel
vor einem Jahr

Hello, I’m trying to learn how to use this api but it might be down as the example responses are all 0 and “”.

Thank you 😃

Rapid account: Dgianno
dgianno Commented vor 7 Monaten

Here is how you can pull from a Google Sheets AppScript:

Just call =FearGreed() from a cell

function FearGreed() {

var url = “https://fear-and-greed-index.p.rapidapi.com/v1/fgi”;
var headers = {
“contentType”: “application/json”,
“headers”:{“X-RapidAPI-Host”: “fear-and-greed-index.p.rapidapi.com”,
muteHttpExceptions: true,
request: “GET”};

var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, headers);
var data = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());


var PullDate = new Date ();
var PullTime= PullDate.toLocaleTimeString();

const object = {
Date: PullDate,
Time: PullTime,
Current_Score: data.fgi.now.value,
Rating: data.fgi.now.valueText,
One_Week_Ago: data.fgi.oneWeekAgo.value,
Week_Rating: data.fgi.oneWeekAgo.valueText,
One_Month_Ago: data.fgi.oneMonthAgo.value,
Month_Rating: data.fgi.oneMonthAgo.valueText,
One_Year_Ago: data.fgi.oneYearAgo.value,
YearRating: data.fgi.oneYearAgo.valueText

return Object.entries(object);

Rapid account: Msharingan 708
msharingan708 Commented vor 7 Monaten


I’m working on a Google Sheets project and need help with coding. The goal is to retrieve data from an API, store it in Google Sheets, and perform analyses.

If anyone has experience with Google Sheets and programming and can assist, I would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

Rapid account: Rpi 4 Gx
rpi4gx Commented vor einem Jahr


Yeah, this API has no examples. It’s a free API so just try using the API to get real values.


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