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'de' language not supported

Rapid account: Fokusferit
8 वर्ष पहले

The Texts says that German language is supported but calling the API with ‘de’ and a german text just returns ‘language <de> not supported’

Rapid account: Dimamac 1707
dimamac1707 Commented 3 महीने पहले

I am amazed at the possibilities that the Skyttle 2.0 API opens up for text analysis. Its ability to recognize emotion and context provides new perspectives for understanding information. It reminds us of the diversity and complexity of human relationships, just as multiracial family images reflect the richness and harmony of different cultures and traditions meeting together

Rapid account: Mariah 9 Xx
mariah9xx Commented 2 वर्ष पहले

Support for other languages is coming soon. If you want to get notified when support is available, please leave your e-mail address in the field below and we will notify you directly when it’s ready. slope unblocked

Rapid account: Sentinelprojects
sentinelprojects Commented 8 वर्ष पहले

At the moment, languages other than English are supported only on custom pricing plans. If you’d like to process German, French or Russian text, please send us a message with your requirements (volume to be processed, etc), and we’ll develop a custom pricing plan for you.

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