Recipe - Food - Nutrition

Durch David | Aktualisiert 24 days ago | Food

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What type of requests does Spoonacular supply?

Rapid account: Dmlcn 6
vor 7 Jahren

In specific, what differentiates a tiny-request from a regular request?

Rapid account: Spoonacular
spoonacular Commented vor 7 Jahren

That depends on the endpoint. Please let me know specifically which endpoints confuse you and what your expectation would be.

Rapid account: Dmlcn 6
dmlcn6 Commented vor 7 Jahren

Usually on the documentation page when I test a request to the API the regular request is decremented, however now, the tinyrequest is decremented while my normal requests aren’t decrement.

Rapid account: Spoonacular
spoonacular Commented vor 7 Jahren

Tiny requests are usually processed much faster from the API and respond with less data putting less stress on our servers.

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