Recipe - Food - Nutrition

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College Project Pricing

Rapid account: Carwen M
hace 8 años

Hi ! We’re a group of 5 in a mobile apps dev course. We would really appreciate a free key for the spoonacular food API, to aid us in our project for a month or 2. Thank you!

Rapid account: Spoonacular
spoonacular Commented hace 8 años

Hey, thanks for the info, I invited you to the free plan. I’d love to see what you’ve built with the API once it’s done. Good luck and happy hacking 😃

Rapid account: Carwen M
carwen-m Commented hace 8 años

Hi, thanks for the quick response.
We’re from Georgia Tech, will need access till Mid December and we’re trying to create a Food diary app with recipe search functionality. We think this API would really help us out in making this app.
Thanks 😃

Rapid account: Spoonacular
spoonacular Commented hace 8 años


sure no problem. Can you please tell me

  1. which College
  2. until when you’ll need access, and
  3. what are you trying to build.


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