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Requesting unlimited service for 2 month hack project

Rapid account: Allileong
vor 8 Jahren

Hi, I am participating in a hack project that will end on December 14th, in which I must build an app on top of the Salesforce platform. My app can consume any API of my choice, and Spoonacular looks awesome for the app I’d like to make, so I was wondering if it’d be possible to get free unlimited usage just over the next month and a half or two months (that way I can have a month to develop and a few weeks to demo. Please let me know. Thanks!!

Rapid account: Allileong
allileong Commented vor 8 Jahren

Thanks, I will be sure to show you!

Rapid account: Spoonacular
spoonacular Commented vor 8 Jahren


sure, I invited you. The only thing we’d like to get back is to see what you created in the end 😉

Happy hacking,

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