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Websocket or Webhooks Support?

Is there any support available for Websocket or Webhooks?

Rapid account: Jussdhillon 2509
jussdhillon2509 Commented 4달 전

Hello Sir, We are excited to announce the launch of our latest AI project that is capable of creating commentary in multiple languages in both text and audio formats. With this new technology, we can provide you with seamless and accurate commentary in a variety of languages to expand the reach of your content and engage with a global audience. Our AI-powered solution utilizes advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze the context and generate commentary that is tailored to your specific requirements. I We believe that this new AI project will add immense value to your content and enhance your communication strategy. We are confident that it will exceed your expectations and help you achieve your business goals. Please let us know if you are interested in trying out this new technology or have any questions about it. Kindly let us know if we can schedule a meeting so we can show you a live demo. You can view our ball to ball commentary on our website :

Rapid account: Jussdhillon 2509
jussdhillon2509 Commented 5달 전

We can Provide Websocket or Webhooks.

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