
Durch Stefan Skliarov | Aktualisiert 13 giorni fa | Storage
Health Check



Bitbucket Package

Code against the Bitbucket API to automate simple tasks, embed Bitbucket data into your own site, build mobile or desktop apps

  • Domain: Bitbucket
  • Credentials: apiKey, apiSecret

How to get credentials:

  1. Browse to Bitbucket
  2. Browse to Settings
  3. Create new oAuth consumer to get your apiKey and apiSecret

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects

Webhook credentials

Please use SDK to test this feature.

  1. Go to RapidAPI
  2. Log in or create an account
  3. Go to My apps
  4. Add new project with projectName to get your project Key
Field Type Description
projectName credentials
projectKey credentials


Get oAuth 2 access token

Field Type Description
apiSecret credentials Your API secret
code String Code provided by user


Returns the webhook resource or subject types on which webhooks can be registered.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token


Returns a paginated list of all valid webhook events for the specified entity.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
eventType String Type of event


Returns a paginated list of all public repositories.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
after String Show repositories starting from


Returns a paginated list of all repositories owned by the specified account or UUID.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
role Select Filters the result based on the authenticated user’s role on each repository.
after String Show repositories starting from


Returns the object describing this repository.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug


Create new repository

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Slug for new repository
language String Language for new repository
scm Select SCM for new repository
hasWiki Select Whether this repository has wiki
isPrivate Select Whether this repository is private
description String Description for new repository
hasIssues Select Whether this repository has issues


Update existing repository

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Slug for new repository
language String Language for new repository
scm Select SCM for new repository
hasWiki Select Whether this repository has wiki
isPrivate Select Whether this repository is private
description String Description for new repository
hasIssues Select Whether this repository has issues


Deletes existing repository

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug


Returns a paginated list of all branch restrictions on the repository.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug


Creates a new branch restriction rule for a repository.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
kind Select kind describes what will be restricted. Allowed values are: push, force, delete, and restrict_merges.
pattern String Pattern for restriction
value Number Value with kind-specific semantics: “require_approvals_to_merge” uses it to require a minimum number of approvals on a PR; “require_passing_builds_to_merge” uses it to require a minimum number of passing builds.
users List User objects
groups List Group objects


Returns a specific branch restriction rule.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
brachRestrictionId String The restriction rule’s id


Updates a specific branch restriction rule.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
brachRestrictionId String The restriction rule’s id
pattern String Pattern for restriction
value Number Value with kind-specific semantics: “require_approvals_to_merge” uses it to require a minimum number of approvals on a PR; “require_passing_builds_to_merge” uses it to require a minimum number of passing builds.
users List User objects
groups List Group objects


Deletes a specific branch restriction rule.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
brachRestrictionId String The restriction rule’s id


Approve the specified commit as the authenticated user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
commitId String The commit’s SHA1.


Redact the authenticated user’s approval of the specified commit.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
commitId String The commit’s SHA1.


Returns all statuses (e.g. build results) for a specific commit.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
commitId String The commit’s SHA1.


Creates a new build status against the specified commit.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
commitId String The commit’s SHA1.
url String A URL linking back to the vendor or build system, for providing more information about whatever process produced this status.
state Select Provides some indication of the status of this commit
key String An identifier for the status that’s unique to its type (current “build” is the only supported type) and the vendor, e.g. BB-DEPLOY
name String An identifier for the build itself, e.g. BB-DEPLOY-1
description String A description of the build (e.g. “Unit tests in Bamboo”)
refname String The name of the ref that pointed to this commit at the time the status object was created. Note that this the ref may since have moved off of the commit.


Returns the specified build status for a commit.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
commitId String The commit’s SHA1.
buildId String The build status’ unique key


Used to update the current status of a build status object on the specific commit.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
commitId String The commit’s SHA1.
buildId String The build status’ unique key
url String A URL linking back to the vendor or build system, for providing more information about whatever process produced this status.
state Select Provides some indication of the status of this commit
key String An identifier for the status that’s unique to its type (current “build” is the only supported type) and the vendor, e.g. BB-DEPLOY
description String A description of the build (e.g. “Unit tests in Bamboo”)
refname String The name of the ref that pointed to this commit at the time the status object was created. Note that this the ref may since have moved off of the commit.


Returns the specified commit.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
commitId String The commit’s SHA1.


Returns the commit’s comments.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
commitId String The commit’s SHA1.


Returns the specified commit comment.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
commitId String The commit’s SHA1.
commentId String Id of the comment


Returns the specified commit comment.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
branch String Name of the branch
exclude List Returns all commits in the repo that are not on these branches
include List Returns all commits in the repo that are on these branches


Returns the components that have been defined in the issue tracker.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug


Returns the specified issue tracker component object.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
componentId String The component’s id


Returns the repository’s default reviewers.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug


Returns the repository’s default reviewers.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
reviewerName String Specified reviewer.


Adds the repository’s default reviewers.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
reviewerName String Specified reviewer.


Deletes the repository’s default reviewers.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
reviewerName String Specified reviewer.


Produces a raw, git-style diff for either a single commit (diffed against its first parent), or a revspec of 2 commits (e.g. 3a8b42…9ff173 where the first commit represents the source and the second commit the destination).

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
diffId String ID of the diff
context Number Generate diffs with lines of context instead of the usual three
path String Limit the diff to a single file


Returns a list of download links associated with the repository.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug


Upload new download artifacts.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
file File File to upload


Return a redirect to the contents of a download artifact.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
filename String File to get


Deletes the specified download artifact from the repository.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
filename String File to delete


Returns a paginated list of all the forks of the specified repository.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug


Returns a paginated list of webhooks installed on this repository.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug


Creates a new webhook on the specified repository. You can use our service as url:{projectName}/{projectKey} * see credentials description above
Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
events List The events this webhook is subscribed to.
url String The URL events get delivered to.
active Select Whether the wehbook is enabled.
description String A user-defined description of the webhook.


Returns the webhook with the specified id installed on the specified repository.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
webhookId String Id of the webhook


Updates the specified webhook subscription. You can use our service as url:{projectName}/{projectKey} * see credentials description above
Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
webhookId String Id of the webhook
events List The events this webhook is subscribed to.
url String The URL events get delivered to.
active Select The URL events get delivered to.
description String A user-defined description of the webhook.


Deletes the webhook with the specified id installed on the specified repository.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
webhookId String Id of the webhook


Returns the issues in the issue tracker.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug


Creates a new issue.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
title String Title of the issue
priority Select Priority of the issue
kind Select Kind of the issue
content String Raw content
markup Select Content markup
html String html content
assignee String Issue assignee username
state Select Issue state


Returns the specified issue.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
issueId String Id of the issue


Deletes the specified issue.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
issueId String Id of the issue


Returns the specified issue.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
issueId String Id of the issue


Returns the specified issue.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
issueId String Id of the issue
file String Attachement file


Returns the specified issue attachment.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
issueId String Id of the issue
attachement String Attachement path


Deletes the specified issue attachment.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
issueId String Id of the issue
attachement String Attachement path


Returns the specified issue comments.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
issueId String Id of the issue


Returns the specified issue comment.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
issueId String Id of the issue
commentId String Id of the comment


Check whether the authenticated user has voted for this issue.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
issueId String Id of the issue


Vote for this issue.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
issueId String Id of the issue


Retract your vote.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
issueId String Id of the issue


Indicated whether or not the authenticated user is watching this issue.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
issueId String Id of the issue


Start watching this issue.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
issueId String Id of the issue


Stop watching this issue.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
issueId String Id of the issue


Returns the milestones that have been defined in the issue tracker.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug


Returns the specified issue tracker milestone object.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
milestoneId String The milestone’s id


Produces a raw patch for a single commit

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
commitId String The commit id


Retrieve a specified pipeline

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
pipelineId String The pipeline id


Retrieve a given step of a pipeline.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
pipelineId String The pipeline id
stepId String The step id


Retrieve the log file for a given step of a pipeline.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
pipelineId String The pipeline id
stepId String The step id


Signal the stop of a pipeline and all of its steps that not have completed yet.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
pipelineId String The pipeline id


Retrieve the repository pipelines configuration.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug


Enables the pipelines configuration for a repository.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug


Retrieve the repository pipelines configuration.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
buildNumber String Next build number


Retrieve a schedule by its UUID.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
scheduleId String The uuid of the schedule.


Update a schedule.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
scheduleId String The uuid of the schedule.
cronPattern String The cron expression that the schedule applies.
enabled Select Whether the schedule is enabled.


Delete a schedule by its UUID.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
scheduleId String The uuid of the schedule.


Retrieve the executions of a given schedule.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
scheduleId String The uuid of the schedule.


Retrieve the repository SSH key pair excluding the SSH private key.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug


Update or create the repository SSH key pair excluding the SSH private key.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
publicKey String The SSH public key.
privateKey String The SSH pricate key.


Delete the repository SSH key pair

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug


Retrieve a repository level known host.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
knownHostId String The UUID of the known host to retrieve.


Update a repository level known host.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
knownHostId String The UUID of the known host to retrieve.
hostname String The hostname of the known host.


Delete a repository level known host.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
knownHostId String The UUID of the known host to retrieve.


Retrieve a repository level variable.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
variableId String The UUID of the variable to retrieve.


Update a repository level variable.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
variableId String The UUID of the variable to retrieve.
value String The value of the variable.
secured Select If true, this variable will be treated as secured. The value will never be exposed in the logs or the REST API.
key String The unique name of the variable


Delete a repository level variable.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
variableId String The UUID of the variable to retrieve.


Returns a paginated list of all pull requests on the specified repository. By default only open pull requests are returned.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
state Select Only return pull requests that are in this state.
page Number Page to return


Creates a new pull request.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
title String Title of the pull request.
source JSON Source object
destination JSON Destination object
description String Decription of the pull request


Returns a paginated list of the pull request’s activity log.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
page Number Page to return


Returns the specified pull request.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
pullrequestId String Id of the pull request


Mutates the specified pull request.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
pullrequestId String Id of the pull request
title String Title of the pull request.
source JSON Source object
destination JSON Destination object
description String Decription of the pull request


Returns a paginated list of the pull request’s activity log.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
pullrequestId String Id of the pull request
page Number Page to return


Approve the specified pull request as the authenticated user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
pullrequestId String Id of the pull request


Redact the authenticated user’s approval of the specified pull request.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
pullrequestId String Id of the pull request


Redact the authenticated user’s approval of the specified pull request.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
pullrequestId String Id of the pull request
page Number Page to return


Returns a specific pull request comment.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
pullrequestId String Id of the pull request
commentId String Id of the comment


Returns a paginated list of the pull request’s commits.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
pullrequestId String Id of the pull request
page Number Page to return


Declines the pull request.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
pullrequestId String Id of the pull request


Fetches pull request diff

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
pullrequestId String Id of the pull request


Merges the pull request.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
pullrequestId String Id of the pull request


List pull request patches

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
pullrequestId String Id of the pull request


Returns all statuses (e.g. build results) for the given pull request.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
pullrequestId String Id of the pull request


List repository refs

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug


List repository branches

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug


Fetches signle repository branch

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
branchName String Name of the branch


List repository tags

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug


Add repository tag

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
name String Name of the tag
target JSON JSON object with target of the tag


Retrieves information about single tag

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
name String Name of the tag


This endpoint redirects the client to the directory listing of the root directory on the main branch.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
path String Path to the directory or file , e.g node/path


This endpoint is used to create new commits in the repository by uploading files.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
file File File with commit


Returns the versions that have been defined in the issue tracker.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug


Returns the specified issue tracker version object.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug
versionId String Id of the version


Returns a paginated list of all the watchers on the specified repository.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
reposlug String Repository slug


Returns all snippets. Like pull requests, repositories and teams, the full set of snippets is defined by what the current user has access to.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
role Select Role of the current user


Returns all the teams that the authenticated user is associated with.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user
role Select Role of the current user


Retrieves single project

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
owner String The team which owns the project.
projectKey String The project in question.


Retrieves single project

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
owner String The team which owns the project.
projectKey String The project in question.
name String Name of the project
key String Key of the project
description String Description of the project
isPrivate Select Whether this project is private


Deletes single project

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
owner String The team which owns the project.
projectKey String The project in question.


Gets the public information associated with a team.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
owner String The team name


Returns the list of accounts that are following this team.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
owner String The team name


Returns the list of accounts this team is following.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
owner String The team name


Returns a paginated list of webhooks installed on this team.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
owner String The team name


Install webhook on this team. You can use our service as url:{projectName}/{projectKey} * see credentials description above
Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
owner String The team name
events List The events this webhook is subscribed to.
url String The URL events get delivered to.
active Select Whether the wehbook is enabled.
description String A user-defined description of the webhook.


Returns the webhook with the specified id installed on the given team account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
owner String The team name
webhookId String ID of the webhook


Updates the webhook with the specified id installed on the given team account. You can use our service as url:{projectName}/{projectKey} * see credentials description above
Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
owner String The team name
webhookId String ID of the webhook
events List The events this webhook is subscribed to.
url String The URL events get delivered to.
active Select Whether the wehbook is enabled.
description String A user-defined description of the webhook.


Deletes the specified webhook subscription from the given team account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
owner String The team name
webhookId String ID of the webhook


All members of a team.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
owner String The team name


Retrieve a team level variable.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
owner String The team name
variableId String The UUID of the variable to retrieve.


Update a team level variable.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
owner String The team name
variableId String The UUID of the variable to update.
value String The value of the variable.
secured Select If true, this variable will be treated as secured. The value will never be exposed in the logs or the REST API.
key String The unique name of the variable


Delete a team level variable.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
owner String The team name
variableId String The UUID of the variable to delete.


All repositories owned by a user/team. This includes private repositories, but filtered down to the ones that the calling user has access to.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
owner String The team name


Returns the currently logged in user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token


Returns all the authenticated user’s email addresses. Both confirmed and unconfirmed.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token


Returns details about a specific one of the authenticated user’s email addresses.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
email String The user email


Gets the public information associated with a user account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user to retrieve


Returns the list of accounts that are following this user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user to retrieve


Returns the list of accounts this user is following.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user to retrieve


Returns a paginated list of webhooks installed on this user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String Username of the user to retrieve


Install webhook on this user. You can use our service as url:{projectName}/{projectKey} * see credentials description above
Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String The username
events List The events this webhook is subscribed to.
url String The URL events get delivered to.
active Select Whether the wehbook is enabled.
description String A user-defined description of the webhook.


Returns the webhook with the specified id installed on the given user account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String The username
webhookId String ID of the webhook


Updates the webhook with the specified id installed on the given user account. You can use our service as url:{projectName}/{projectKey} * see credentials description above
Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String The username
webhookId String ID of the webhook
events List The events this webhook is subscribed to.
url String The URL events get delivered to.
active Select Whether the wehbook is enabled.
description String A user-defined description of the webhook.


Deletes the webhook with the specified id installed on the given user account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String The username
webhookId String ID of the webhook


Retrieve a user level variable.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String The username
variableId String The UUID of the variable to retrieve.


Update a user level variable.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String The username
variableId String The UUID of the variable to update.
value String The value of the variable.
secured Select If true, this variable will be treated as secured. The value will never be exposed in the logs or the REST API.
key String The unique name of the variable


Deletes a user level variable.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String The username
variableId String The UUID of the variable to retrieve.


All repositories owned by a user. This includes private repositories, but filtered down to the ones that the calling user has access to.

Field Type Description
accessToken String oAuth 2 access token
username String The username
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Rapid account: Stefan Skliarov
Stefan Skliarov
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