Tank01 Fantasy Stats

Durch tank01 | Aktualisiert vor 10 Tagen | Sports

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Rapid account: 1992 Diego 1992
vor 16 Tagen

Hello, I wanted you to make some improvements to your api. I see that some routes should be next to others. This reduces call consumption. Unless that is your intention.

route 1:

(This route could be combined with the route: getNBAScoresOnly. You just need to place bets for each game of the day.)

route 2:

(This route should be combined with the route: /getNBATeams. Just put the last games of each player for each team as a list in this route.)

Please correct this and get back to me!

Rapid account: Tank 01
tank01 Commented vor 16 Tagen

Hi, I responded to you last week on this in private messages but I’ll address one of your comments here.

Yes, combining those end points would reduce call consumption for the user, but it would increase database usage on the back end. It is NOT intentional to have users make additional calls for basic information, but it IS our intention to price access to our systems properly.

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