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So many Lost

Rapid account: Omoye 6996
hace 2 años

i have been following this api for a month now. i haven’t seen much wins only loses. i don’t think this is a good api. I’m not going to continue my subscription this month.

Rapid account: Tipstar
tipstar Commented hace 2 años

Hello Omoye6996

We are sorry fot the issue you encountered, we had a bug on our end in regards to processing results. We have fixed the bugs. We are very sorry for inconviences this has caused you.

Rapid account: Lucasroach
lucasroach Commented hace 2 años

Actually there are many wins, but the API replies as a lost.
I have reported this so many times to the developer but they are more interested in adding new features and pricing plans than fixing it’s API.
No wonder the API has 1.3 / 5 rating.

I’m also not going to renew the subscription.

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